$247.00 USD

Medical Disclaimer

This online course explores the potential impact of nutrition.

The information in this course is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always work with your physician or qualified healthcare provider before adjusting medications or making major diet changes.

Any opinions expressed are solely Dr. Krystal's own and do not express the views or opinions of John Muir Health or any other entity.


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WFPB 101: Creating a Plant-Powered Plate (easily!)

Learn exactly how to incorporate more plants into your diet so you can enjoy the incredible benefits that come with primarily whole food, plant-based eating (weight loss, improved blood sugar control, improved blood pressure, improved mood, etc.).

And no, you do not have to eat 100% whole food, plant-based to enjoy many of the benefits. Generally, your health is impacted by what you eat a majority of the time and any step toward eating more plants is good.

Each week, a new module is unveiled, allowing you to absorb and implement the information at a comfortable pace.

What you will learn:

  • Learn exactly which foods are health-promoting and which are disease-worsening
  • Learn the scientific evidence supporting the positive impact of plant-based eating on overall wellness, mood and disease prevention and management.
  • Learn specific types of foods to eat and avoid in order to promote maximal weight loss 
  • Learn how to create a balanced, healthful plate
  • Learn how to transition to a whole food, plant-based diet or just include more plants: Practical strategies and an easy to follow framework for being 90% WFPB in 4 weeks (if desired)
  • Learn key nutrient considerations for a WFPB diet
  • Learn about the environmental and ethical aspects of a plant-based diet, including its positive impact on sustainability and animal welfare. 
  • Have common concerns and misconceptions about a plant-based diet, such as protein adequacy, taste, variety, and practicality addressed

I'm excited for you to experience the Power of Plant-based Nutrition for yourself!

Coaching Upgrade includes:

  • Everything in the WFPB package
  • Four 1:1 coaching sessions (45min by phone or video conference) with Doctor Krystal to provide personalized guidance and suggestions to maximize your ability to achieve your goals. Doctor Krystal will also answer you questions and provide accountability if needed
  • Comprehensive assessment form included to assess your current diet and lifestyle habits
  • Review of 3 day food journal, including personalized recommendations for easy swaps and way to include more fiber
  • Personalized resources to match your needs and interests

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